The Top 10 Movies of 2012

2012 has passed us by, and as far as movies are concerned it was a great year. In particular for horror movies, as there were some of the finest genre films I've seen in sometime. In fact, this might be the year with the most amount of horror movies to ever make this list. I do want to say that the best horror movie I saw this year, the magnificent American Mary, is not ranked, only because it's official release is this year. I'm sure that when I make the list for this year it will rank among the very best, as it is as amazing a movie, as I have seen the genre produce in a very long time. As always, my list is probably not like other lists out there, but then again this blog isn't like most blogs out there. Anyway, no more wasting time here is my list:

10. The Expendables 2- Opening the list is this fun and badass, and to me, superior sequel to the original star-studded action-fest. It's a solid shoot-em up, with great ones liners, lots of kick ass, bloody action (and to think there were rumors of this getting a PG-13!!), allusions to the AWESOME cast's past action films, and a hot Asian chick. Lundgren was probably my favorite in the film, but Van Damme made for a damn (pun not intended) good villain. Bring on part 3!!

9. Mother's Day- Though it took two years (in fact I reviewed it last year) to finally get an official release, this superior sort of remake to the good Troma released movie of the same name, ranks as one of last year's most vicious horror flicks. The acting is great, in particular from Rebecca DeMornay and the reigning queen of quality horror remakes: the lovely Jamie King. It also features very tense directing. The moments of strong, graphic violence give the film a nice gut punch that you will surely feel.

8. The Raid: Redemption- Here's a kick ass, break-necked paced, and brutally violent action flick from Indonesia that got a wide-release in the US, and it totally deserved it. It also deserves all the praise that you've heard it get. It is the best martial arts film since The Protector. The action never stops, nor does the insane splattery violence. The fight scenes will leave your jaw dropping to the floor and the stunts are just insane!! If you have yet to see this one you're doing yourself a diservce. Of note: this movie's success probably hurt Dredd, which had a very similar plot (IE go up a building to battle the main baddie in a building filled with baddies). And, you should definitely see that one as well, though this is definitely the superior movie.

7. The Cabin the Woods- Co-writer Joss Whedon's flick is a loving tribute to the horror genre. There are so many cool moments and so many cool creatures, that you can watch this a million times over. In fact, i liked this one even more the second time around, enough so that I changed the position that it ranked in originally. Throw in the babes, nudity, gore, and, what is probably the best climax of the year, and you have the first of two big hits Mr. Whedon has on this list. For more on my thoughts, but not enough to ruin it, check out my review here:

6. Skyfall- The best Bond film since my personal favorite in the series, For Your Eyes Only, this one even manages to trump the greatness that was Casino Royale. The action is the most suspenseful the series has had in countless of ages. The acting is on spot from the whole cast, with a riveting Javier Bardem, who ranks amongst the best of the Bond villains. Craig continues to prove that he is THE best Bond, since Connery. The emotional story, riveting climax, and perfect ending make this one a loving tribute to the series as well as a must see (and, when it hits DVD/ blu-ray: a must own) for Bond fans.

5. The Loved Ones- It's a shame that it took three fucking years for US fans to see this masterpiece of modern horror, and then that it got a somewhat underwhelming DVD release, and no blu-ray!! Regardless this is one that is so well written and features what is some of the finest acting in the genre in the entire year. This smart, attention holding, tough as nails survival horror flick, is one that should be seen by all lovers of terror. For more on my thoughts on this masterpiece read my review here:

4. Django Unchained- This tribute to the bloody spaghetti Django westerns, is Tarantino's best movie since Pulp Fiction. It is also his best looking movie, ever. It benifits from an amazing cast, including Jamie Foxx at his very best. DiCaprio makes for a dispicable villain, as does Samuel Jackson. Meanwhile, with this film Christopher Waltz cements himself as one of my favorite actors. Though long, Tarantino keeps the pace moving nicely, so you won't be feeling it (a problem with the director's lesser work like Death Proof). The gory shoot-outs will make you remember the type of films this is a love letter, to, as will the great music, some taken from the original Italian series, itself, as will the great cameo by Franco Nero. Horror fans should keep their open for cameos by Tom Savini, the lovely Amber Tamblyn, and her dad, Russ Tamblyn (who, of course, starred in the classic The Haunting).

3. God Bless American- This awesome jet-black, but hilarious comedy from Bobcat Goldthwait, is the single best comedy of the year. Playing like the ultimate liberal fantasy, this one that has our hero and his teen accomplice killing reality TV stars, assholes, and right-wing fascists. It's a fun, bloody movie, that will have you cheering them on, as they rack up the bodycount of the idiots and jackasses. The acting and the dialouge is priceless, with the whole scene where they talk about Alice Cooper ranking as what might be my favorite dailouge moment of the year.

2. Excision- Unquestionably the best image change of the year came from the lovely AnnaLynne McCord, who plays the misfit teen lead in this, the finest horror movie, to get an official release this year. McCord is amazing on very level, as is Traci Lords as her mom. I must say I'm one of those who thought it wasn't possible to get a great performance out of her, perhaps due to the earlier horrible roles, that she got. Alas, Lords proved me wrong, here. This film, a twisted coming of age movie, is alternately disturbing, hilarious, moving, touching, and gory. It is even that much better, the second time around. A true accomplishment for the genre this one will resonate with not just those of who always felt like the weird kid, but anyone, at all who views it. A new classic for the genre, without a shadow of a doubt!

1. Marvels The Avengers- When it came to pick the year's best, only one film remained at the top of this list, from the second that I finished watching it, and that's Joss Whedon's second movie to make this list: Marvel's The Avengers. This movie is perfect and a true geekgasm. One that I could worship and praise all day long, but I don't need to cause I wrote that praising review back in the summer of 2012:

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